5 Things To Do at Home in Quarantine

We’re 382 days into quarantine (we’re exaggerating but it definitely feels like it), and vegging out on the couch is getting old. It’s that long weekend we’ve been dreaming of…on repeat. If you’re reciting the movies you’ve rewatched for the hundredth time and you’ve saved (eaten) one too many banana bread recipes, or just looking to expand your horizon beyond the couch - we’ve got you.
We’re grateful that we are fortunate enough to be staying safe at home and now we’re sharing our favourite ways to stay creative and productive while in quarantine:
1) Work Out Date
Did we lose you?
One of the positives to the past few weeks of physical distancing is seeing people come together online and one of our favourite ways to connect with our friends has been working out together - from home. Pull up your video chat and your favourite workout video and hang with a friend. You’ll get your endorphins going, your body moving and connect with a friend you’ve been missing. Trust us, you always leave glowing.
2) Dine In
If trying a new restaurant or eating out on the weekend was on your list, don’t cancel! Another fun way to change up your routine is getting dressed up for a fancy Friday night in. Try out a recipe you’ve been eyeing and set a table with your family or your friends for a virtual hang. Or if you can support your favourite local restaurants - order in and get dressed up anyways. Have a picnic in your backyard or brunch on your patio. Make staying in on the weekend something you look forward to!
3) Get Crafty
We’ve all got that one DIY project we’ve been talking about forever. For us, it’s that white stool we bought at a steal ‘cause spray painting it gold would be sooo easy. (It’s been collecting dust.) Got a water-colour set sitting around, or a Pinterest project you’ve been dreaming of time to do? Whip it out and get creative. You can even learn to make jewelry and bracelets with your friends virtually!
4) Me Time
We’re not talking about spending your day on the couch watching television all weekend. We’re talking a bubble bath, face mask, and a home manicure or just time to check in on yourself - for real. Create a peaceful space in your room or your home and listen to your favourite playlist or journal as you focus on how you’re feeling. Call a friend and check in on them. Try meditation or just reading your favourite book in a quiet space. Take this time to really relax and reset your mind and body.
5) Practice or Learn a New Skill
Love to dance? Play guitar? Draw? Want to? You’ve got more time than ever to learn a new skill you wish you had the time to, or hone in on a skill you’re passionate about. Go online and find videos or resources and take on something you’ve always wanted to learn. Dedicate time to practicing daily or weekly. Put in the work or just have fun with it!
If all you want to do is take it slow, that’s okay too! How’re you making use of your time at home?
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